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As experts in effective pain medicine and management, here at the London Pain Clinic we are experienced in employing numerous different interventions to help you experience life pain-free. However, we also recognise that some patients may want to find out as much as possible about their own condition themselves. With that in mind, our Information section provides articles and resources on everything from alternative therapies and botox to repetitive strain injury and whiplash. Simply click on a topic on the right to get started. Nevertheless, if you would like to book an appointment with one of our pain specialists, please call us on 020 7118 0250 or email the London Pain Clinic.


Common Running Injuries and When to See a Specialist

Which Running Injuries Are the Most Common? As a Pain Doctor will tell you, the majority of running injuries can be classed under one of the following three categories: Number 1, Iliotibial (IT) Band Friction Syndrome A prime root cause of this particular injury, is weak buttock (gluteus) muscles. Of note, women are especially...

How to Communicate Effectively With Your Healthcare Provider About Pain

“Chronic pain has emerged as a disease in itself, affecting a growing number of people. Effective patient-provider communication is central to good pain management, because pain can only be understood from the patient’s perspective” [1]. And this is why Pain Specialists prioritise listening and understanding their patients Learn How to Communicate Effectively With Your...

Pain Management During Pregnancy

“Women should be reassured that any pain they experience can be treated during pregnancy, & that they need not suffer unnecessarily. Overall, appropriate therapeutic doses of commonly used analgesics, have not been associated with an increased incidence of birth defects. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the third trimester is however, not recommended....

Pain Management After Surgery

Pain Consultants ensure that patients have an effective pain management plan in place well ahead of time, prior to surgery Did You Know? “There are many types of pain medicines. Depending on the surgery & your overall health, you may receive a single medicine, or a combination of medicines. Studies show that people who...

Minimally Invasive Treatments for Spinal and Muscular Pain

Muscular and spinal pain have now become so commonplace in the UK and US, that countless patients are scheduling set periodic appointments with a Pain Consultant who specialises in minimally invasive treatments. The latter include: nerve blocks, epidural steroid injections, and nerve ablations. Nerve Ablations This describes a proven minor procedure which can reduce...

Understanding the Benefits of Massage Therapy For Muscular Pain

“In massage therapy, a massage therapist rubs & kneads the soft tissues of our body. The soft tissues include muscle, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments & skin. The massage therapist varies the amount of pressure & movement. Massage is part of integrative medicine, & is now viewed as an important tool in promoting mental &...

FAQs on Spinal and Muscular Pain: What You Need to Know

“Back pain is extremely common. Our backs are an intricate structure comprising bones, muscles, nerves & joints. “The hurt can stem from sore muscles, ligaments, & tendons, or from herniated disks, fractures, & other problems in our upper, middle, & lower back. Sometimes we feel the effects right away. But in many cases, back...

How to Avoid Back Pain and Keep Your Spine Healthy

Whether it’s strained muscles, spinal stenosis, or a herniated disc – having an accurate diagnosis from a Pain Specialist as soon as possible will enable you to understand the root cause/s of the pain. After the diagnosis, you will be given a Holistic Personalised Treatment Plan, which is key to rapid recovery & preventing...

Common Misconceptions About Spinal and Muscular Pain

Misconception No 1: All You Need to Do is Sit Up Straight! If you visit a Pain Specialist, they will tell you that if you spend prolonged periods of time sitting up straight without periodically getting up and moving about, then you will generate back strain. “So if you work in an office setting,...