Which Running Injuries Are the Most Common? As a Pain Doctor will tell you, the majority of running injuries can be classed under one of the following three categories: Number 1, Iliotibial (IT) Band...
“Although running is a great way to stay active, many runners have to deal with an injury at some point. If you’re like many runners, you may be logging hundreds of miles per year....
“Shin splints refer to the pain & tenderness along, or just behind, the large bone in the lower leg (the tibia). They develop after hard exercise, sports, or repetitive activity. Shin splints cause pain...
Sports Injuries – The Basics The term sports injury refers to the various kinds of injuries that occur during sports or exercise. Sport injuries normally occur because of: Poor training practices Improper equipment Lack...
Sprains Ligaments are the strong tissues found around joints and part of their purpose is to connect the bones together, in addition to giving support to the joints. Ligaments can be overstretched as a...
If there existed a simple pill to get rid of any pain without side effects there would be less need for health care practitioners, and many of us would be happily out...