Category: Fibromyalgia

rTMS Treatment for Fibromyalgia

Overview A recent study has evaluated the efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in treating fibromyalgia by targeting the prefrontal cortex. Participants were randomly assigned to receive either active rTMS or a placebo...

How to Treat & Manage Fibromyalgia

“Fibromyalgia affects 2% to 4% of people, women more often than men. There is no cure for fibromyalgia, however, Pain Specialists can treat symptoms with both non-drug & medication-based treatments. Many time,s the best...

How to Diagnose Fibromyalgia

“Fibromyalgia affects between 2 and 4% of people, women more often than men. It is not an autoimmune or inflammation-based illness, however, research suggests that the nervous system is involved. Pain Specialists diagnose fibromyalgia...

What are the Early Signs of Fibromyalgia?

“Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes widespread pain around the body. This stems from an issue associated with how the nervous system processes pain signals. Fibromyalgia also causes symptoms such as tiredness, depression,...

What Are the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a condition which is defined by fatigue, widespread musculoskeletal pain, insomnia, mood imbalance, and difficultly remembering things. Further, a large percentage of individuals with fibromyalgia have depression, anxiety, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome),...