How to Treat & Manage Fibromyalgia

“Fibromyalgia affects 2% to 4% of people, women more often than men. There is no cure for fibromyalgia, however, Pain Specialists can treat symptoms with both non-drug & medication-based treatments. Many time,s the best outcomes are achieved by using multiple types of treatments”[1], & this is why the London Pain Clinic advocates a Comprehensive, Holistic Personalised Treatment Plan

Fast Facts About Fibromyalgia

These facts highlight the need to treat this disorder with multiple therapies:

• Fibromyalgia is not an inflammation-based or autoimmune condition; however, studies indicate that the nervous system is implicated
• Pain Consultants take all the sufferer’s relevant symptoms (how they feel), into consideration, when they make a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. They do not simply come to a conclusion based on the number of tender areas they detect across a patient’s body during an examination
• While there is no specific test to determine fibromyalgia, your Pain Doctor may require X-rays or lab tests, in order to exclude other health issues that may seem to be fibromyalgia
• Although there is no cure for fibromyalgia, some patients can experience reduced symptoms
• Beneficial self-care strategies, including getting a healthy sleep, and regular exercise, will be recommended by your Pain Specialist [1].

Managing Fibromyalgia

Getting Enough Quality Sleep

There are a number of positive actions that you can make. These include:
• Avoiding or cutting-down daytime naps
• Making a program to wake up and go to bed at the same time every day
• Abstaining from looking at screens (mobiles, computers, TVs, etc.), and listening to anything noisy (e.g. loud music), a minimum of half an hour before bedtime
• Not drinking any caffeine or alcohol prior to sleeping
• Leaving a 3 hour window after consuming a heavy meal, prior to going to bed [2]

Giving Stress the Boot

“Many people report that stress makes their symptoms worse. Studies have identified links between psychological distress & fibromyalgia. The Centers for Disease Control, state that reducing stress through yoga, massage, & meditation; & having CBT therapy, may help people with fibromyalgia” [2]

Keeping a Pain Diary

Compile a daily Pain Diary, which is divided into 24 hours for each day. Then, whenever you experience any level of pain, make a note of when it occurs, how long it lasts, and what you were doing before, and at the time, it came on. This will serve as an accurate record, which will be of great help to your Pain Doctor. Moreover, it will allow both yourself, and your Fibromyalgia Specialist, to monitor how your treatment/s are working.References


[1]. American College of Rheumatology (2021). “Fibromyalgia.”

[2].Galan, N. (2018). “Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia.”