Investigations and Referrals

As part of your comprehensive, holistic assessment, your Consultant may require you to have some further investigations performed in order to formulate your treatment plan.


If you need an MRI, Ultrasound or Xray our preferred providers are No 9 Harley Street and Vista Health which have centres across the United Kingdom. We have negotiated excellent prices for our self-funding patients at Vista Health with MRIs at £225 per body part.

Once your Imaging has been undertaken, it will usually take 2-3 days for us to receive the Consultant Radiologist’s report. Once this has been received our Consultants will review the findings and send you and your GP a letter together with a copy of the report

If you want to book a follow-up appointment to specifically discuss the results, can you please contact us in advance to make sure that we have received the report please.

Blood Tests

If you require urgent blood tests privately, if you are insured and you have your insurers agreement we can, subject to availability, undertake the blood tests at No 25 Harley Street or we can refer you to The Doctors’ Laboratory. Otherwise we can ask your GP to organise these for you at your practice.

Referrals to other Specialists

Sometimes where patients have not had the root cause of their pain determined, or where results of investigations suggest that you need input from other specialists, we may need to refer you to our colleagues in other areas of medicine, for example, a foot and ankle Surgeon, or a consultant Gynaecologist. Where this is recommended we will talk to you about arranging the referrals and liaise with the other specialists regarding your assessment and treatment.

Referrals for Physical Therapy

We will commonly want you to see a Physical Therapist as part of your treatment plan as our approach is holistic – but your consultant will talk to you about whether this is appropriate in your particular case. Before you commence any physical therapy we will look to reduce your pain and enable a ‘pain free window’, whether with medication or minimally invasive pain management procedures, to enable any physical rehabilitation. If your consultant recommends physical therapy it is crucial that you pursue this, as this rehabilitation can make a huge difference to your long-term condition and prognosis. Please note that the London Pain Clinic Administration Team does not administer the appointment diaries for any of our Physiotherapists and, if referred, the recommended Physiotherapist will contact you directly to arrange an appointment.


The London Pain Clinic reserves the right to increase prices to reflect increased costs.