As experts in effective pain medicine and management, here at the London Pain Clinic we are experienced in employing numerous different interventions to help you experience life pain-free. However, we also recognise that some patients may want to find out as much as possible about their own condition themselves. With that in mind, our Information section provides articles and resources on everything from alternative therapies and botox to repetitive strain injury and whiplash. Simply click on a topic on the right to get started. Nevertheless, if you would like to book an appointment with one of our pain specialists, please call us on 020 7118 0250 or email the London Pain Clinic.
As experienced Pain Consultants will tell you: “Pain is a complex stressor that presents a significant challenge to most aspects of functioning. It contributes to substantial physical, psychological & occupational issues, particularly in its chronic form. To that end, as medical intervention frequently cannot resolve pain completely, there is a need for management approaches...
“As the population ages & individuals live long enough to be burdened by multiple comorbid conditions, the face of the chronic pain patient has changed, & so have the challenges confronting the clinicians involved in their care. Now, more than ever, it is important [for Pain Specialists] to integrate knowledge from the various fields...
“Nerve blocks halt the pain messages coming from the nerves in a particular part of the body. They can help people who have chronic pain function better in their daily lives, allowing them to go to work, exercise, & do daily tasks. Nerve blocks are commonly used to manage pain that comes from the...
Treatments for long-term pain are as diverse as the causes. From pharmaceuticals to trigger point injections, there are countless approaches. However: “when it comes to treating chronic pain, no single technique is guaranteed to produce complete pain relief. Relief may be found by using a combination of treatment options” [1], & this is where...
“As multi-morbidity [multiple diseases/conditions & symptoms] increase with ageing, chronic pain is often one of these co-morbidities. One of the pharmacological interventions commonly used in its treatment, is the use of opioids. However, opioids are relatively ineffective in treating chronic pain, although they do have a place in the treatment repertoire. Moreover, there is...
“Treatment of both acute & chronic pain involves a combination of pharmacologic & provider-based interventions, which is effective for some patients but not for others. The use of repeated frequent usage involves the risk of adverse reactions, overuse, & dependency. Complementary & alternative therapies (CAT) offer an alternative or adjunctive method to decrease the...
Neuropathic pain is caused by injury or damage to the nerves which transfer data between the brain & spinal cord from the muscles, skin, & other parts of the body. “The pain is usually described as a burning sensation, & affected areas are often sensitive to the touch. Symptoms of neuropathic pain may also...
“Many conditions can cause penis pain, which can range from mild to severe. This pain may occur at rest, during sexual activity, or when urinating. People may feel pain in different areas of the penis or encounter different types of pain, such as sharp, dull, throbbing, or shooting” [1] If this applies to you,...
Prostatitis can be serious. “Several conditions can contribute to the signs & symptoms associated with this male condition, Prostatitis. You need to get immediate care if you are experiencing any of the following: an inability to urinate; painful or difficult urination accompanied by fever; blood in your urine; or severe discomfort or pain in...
“Regular physical activity helps ward off the ill effects of immobility. It prevents joint stiffness & muscle tightness, & ameliorates blood circulation. Popular physical activities like swimming & walking, have shown to be effective in decreasing pain & improving function. Moreover, research shows that rehabilitation programs have long-term effects on people with chronic pain”...