Category: Resources

Goal Setting and Chronic Pain

Goal Setting and Chronic Pain Introduction Chronic pain is defined as a pain that lasts for more than three months and leads to a significant impairment of activities of daily living and activities. The...

Relaxation and Chronic Pain

Relaxation and Chronic Pain Chronic Pain – The Basics Chronic pain is defined as a pain that lasts for 6 months or longer. It is typically defined as a pain that persists for more...

Management of Stress and Chronic Pain

Management of Stress and Chronic Pain Introduction Chronic pain is typically defined as a pain that does not subside after a natural healing period of three months and fails to respond to medication. Such...

Patient information website by NAPP

Introduction Control Pain- Live Life is a new educational resource for patients by Napp Pharmaceuticals Ltd. with contributions from Action on Pain (independent patient support group) If you, or someone you know, is affected...

Pacing and Chronic Pain

Pacing and Chronic Pain Introduction Chronic pain is typically defined as a pain that lasts for more than six months, inspite of regular and appropriate medicine being administered. It can often lead to a...

Setting up your workstation

Setting up your workstation Introduction Workstation ergonomics play a very crucial role in maintaining the health and efficiency of employees in a workplace. Figures reveal that the regular computer users perform a whopping 50,000-2,00,000...