Category: Conditions


Definition Headache is a term used to describe aching or pain that occurs in one or more areas of the head, face, mouth or neck. Headache can be acute, chronic, recurrent or occasional, mild,...

Postherpetic Neuralgia

Introduction Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) is a painful condition caused by the varicella zoster virus, in a dermatomal distribution after an attack of herpes zoster or shingles. The dermatomal distribution is the area that is...


Introduction Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of the bone tissue. This process of bone thinning leads to an increase in bone fragility and the consequent risk of fracture....

Shoulder Pain

Introduction Shoulder Pain refers to any form of pain felt in the shoulder or around the shoulder joint. The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body. This particular joint includes four...


Introduction An Epidural Steroid Injection (ESI) is an anesthetic injection given into the epidural space in the spine, between the bony outer walls of the spinal canal and the membrane which covers the spinal...

Foot Pain

What is Foot Pain? Foot pain is a feeling of discomfort felt anywhere in the different parts of the foot, including the heels, toes, arch, instep, sole or ankles. With 26 bones and 33...