
I came to see Dr Jenner after I had been diagnosed in America with a rare, degenerative spinal injury and I was looking to get confirmation in the UK of the diagnosis and for help with the severe pain the condition brings.

His manner is very welcoming and down to earth and I found him very easy to talk to. I had done a lot of research into the condition and he welcomed the information openly. I felt very included in the pain management approach he recommended.


I have been treated by the London Pain Clinic under Dr Chris Jenner for around 4 years now. I had previously spent 5 years in London being pushed from one doctor to another after a very extreme skiing accident at 18 years old which led to very complex back and hip injuries that weren’t treated quickly enough or correctly. I was getting absolutely nowhere with my back and hip condition and the pain was left to the point of despair. I was finally referred to Dr Jenner and he and his team dramatically changed my life straight away. He was shocked at the amount of opioids/medications the previous doctors had given me to just mask my pain and not sort the issues themselves. Dr Jenner is extremely thorough, very professional but hugely personable. He always gives 100% of his attention and time to you (any other doctor I’ve seen had cut me off after 10 minutes and I’d been left to feel very upset by them and hurt by their total lack of care while I was in extreme pain.) I had lost all faith in doctors completely and I felt like I was drowning in pain until I met Dr Jenner. When I first met him, my quality of life was extremely poor. He immediately put a plan together to help me. I was instantly booked in for procedures and we started the process of sorting the actual spinal and hip issues. He is the most supportive and understanding doctor I have ever met and he has a wonderful energy about him. His administration team are extremely attentive, hugely organised and always manage to fit you in straight away be it an appointment with Dr Jenner, an operation/procedure/injections - you name it they manage to fit you in as soon as possible. I felt so incredibly supported by both Dr Jenner and his whole team and I honestly couldn’t recommend The London Pain Clinic team highly enough. They really are one of their kind with the highest standard of care. I was a lost soul filled with pain and really wanted to give up on life. Dr Jenner and his team changed that for me and I am now after 9 years finally living again and starting work for the first time in years. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to The London Pain Clinic team for giving me back my life. I am eternally grateful.


Fibromyalgia was taking it’s toll on my life. I was always in pain, especially in my upper back, neck and shoulders. My upper body felt completely locked and I had very little movement . Everything was a chore and I was constantly tired and depressed. Having been diagnosed with fibromyalgia many years ago, I had tried different treatments such as :massage, osteopathy, chiropractic treatment, Alexander Technique etc. to no avail, nothing helped long term. I was prescribed amitriptyline which helped initially but this interfered with my heart rhythm so I could no longer take it. Last year, after believing that I would be in pain for the rest of my life, my husband stepped in and found the London Pain Clinic on the internet. We were both impressed with the testimonials for fibromyalgia treatment and I decided to make an appointment. I have never looked back. From first meeting Dr Jenner I felt immediately that he knew what he was talking about. On a swift examination he provisionally diagnosed fibromyalgia and arthritis in the neck with narrowing of the discs. This was confirmed by an MRI scan arranged for the following week. I was started on anti-inflammatory tablets together with anti-neuropathic medication, gradually increasing the dose. I was also referred to Maxine Rodriguez, the Specialist Pain Physiotherapist. From day one, she was very patient and informative about the workings of the body. She knew exactly how to manipulate and stretch the problem areas. With regular sessions and a home exercise programme, after eight months I am now able to move my head, neck and shoulders freely and without pain. I have a home exercise programme that I will need to continue to prevent any further problems. I feel that I finally have my life back! At the age of 64 I was recently able to join my grandsons on a “Go Ape” adventure trail including going on a zip wire, something which I would have avoided at all costs before. I have more energy and have regained my confidence. I am extremely grateful to Dr Jenner and Maxine and can not praise them highly enough.

Dr Jenner is a highly skilled and considerate pain specialist. He has helped me to pursue my life without being hampered by the severe pain I had. The appointment booking was simple and the clinic support team were extremely responsive and exceptionally helpful.


I should like to share my overwhelmingly positive experience with the London Pain Clinic.

I self referred to Dr Jenner at the end of February suffering from severe sciatica and general muscular immobility in my legs. Following an MRI in mid January this pain had been linked to a bulging disc in the L4/L5 area of my lower back. Physiotherapy had been recommended by two experts and although there was initially some improvement there was still a lot of pain. I referred to Dr Jenner to request stronger pain killers to assist with the physiotherapy.

Fortunately Dr Jenner recognised that my condition was very serious indeed and he immediately recommended an updated MRI scan. Although very late in the day his back up team were able to arrange a scan within the hour at a location close by. The strong medication was also immediately prescribed.

The next morning Dr Jenner called with the results of the scan and pointed out I need to see a neurosurgeon as a matter of urgency. Again his back office staff kicked into action trying to get an appointment as soon as possible. When it became clear I would have to wait 24 hours for an appointment it was then proposed that I self refer to the Emergency Care Centre at the Wellington Hospital as there would be an on call neurosurgeon. This I did and in parallel a referral letter was composed and transmitted to me by e mail so I could present this at the Wellington Hospital.

I was seen by the neurosurgeon at 7.00pm and underwent major back surgery at midnight that evening.

Had it not been for the exceptional nature of the diagnosis and follow up by the London Pain Clinic team I could have been in a very serious situation perhaps involving partial paralysis and urinary incontinence.

I cannot speak highly enough about the professionalism and attention to detail for patient welfare and practical advice. I am now pain free and walking normally thanks to the insights and actions taken by the London Pain Clinic."

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5hWHUAA86Q[/embedyt]


Following a slipped disc and sciatica I experienced many months of incredible pain body wide with spasms.

My muscles had weakened to the point of my hardly being able to walk up a flight of stairs. I had almost stopped walking anywhere.

My GP and the NHS’s recommendation was to treat me with a nerve blocking medication (Pills) that has a list of rather dazzling side effects which made me very hesitant.

In desperation, I was in search of a second opinion and alternative options when I came across Dr Chris Jenner through a google search. (Pain Doctor Harley Street)

Dr Jenner was top of the list

Dr Jenner did not disappoint, he was able to quickly assess and propose a course of action.

He explained that after my treatment I needed to make sure I had Physio and operated a daily exercise regime.

I started the exercises two weeks before the treatment so I had a good idea of my abilities or lack of them before and resumed a week and a bit after.

Apart from 95% of the pain having gone, my mobility and strength were immediately hugely improved and I am now working on improving further and working out on a regular maintenance programme.

I can’t thank Dr Jenner enough, he is lovely, happy, smiley and a truly “ I can fix this “ sort of person.


Having suffered with back problems for about 12yrs, a couple of surgeries later (undertaken within the NHS) I was still struggling to get on with my daily life. I felt very despondent that no one was listening to me until I did some research & found Dr Jenner at the London Pain Clinic. Dr Jenner LISTENS! He is very professional & doesn’t make you feel intimidated. Dr Jenner examined me, sent me for an MRI scan (within a week) & the results confirmed Dr Jenner’s accurate diagnosis. A treatment plan was arranged for me on a date to suit me and now I have a much better quality of life. Dr Jenner & his team at the London Pain Clinic & the Weymouth Street Hospital are first class. If you have any questions about your treatment they deal with it very efficiently. I would thoroughly recommend Dr Jenner for a pain management consultation/ treatment, in my experience he is a credit to his profession.


I have suffered from Fibromyalgia for a number of years, and was told by most physicians that the only thing that would help the pain is to take painkillers, and that it would get progressively worse in time, this was devastating!
The illness stopped me from being able to carry on with yoga, which I had practiced for over 12 years, as my joints were sore and weak, and the nerve pains would be quite intense, so it was debilitating, made me feel older than my years, tired, depressed and in some form of pain for the majority of the time.

In a state of anxiousness and desperation I trailed through the internet to find something that could help me. I found the Fibre Clinic and read about Dr Jenner and his treatments. Soon after I made an appointment to see him, this was last April. The testimonials on his website showed that he’d helped many who suffer from Fibromyalgia and I had nothing to lose.
He is easy to chat to, understanding, positive and approachable, and gave me hope. I was prescribed medication to be taken for 6 months. The treatment was to stop the pain the nerves were creating and without pain for a number of months the nerves would regenerate and learn not to flare up in the future.

I have to admit that this sounded a bit too good to be true, but 8 months later I am practically free of the nerve pain, which is amazing.

During my treatment I developed some problems in one of my shoulders and arm, where I was getting tingling and numbness making it difficult to write, type and text, as well as being quite uncomfortable.
Dr Jenner helped sort this out too, with trigger point injections and botox the sensation has practically disappeared! I do however still follow this treatment with a physio, every two weeks, who Dr Jenner recommended and is brilliant.

I feel a hundred times better than I did this time last year, I’ve even started a bit of yoga again! I would not hesitate to recommend Dr Jenner to help Fibromyalgia as well as any other pain conditions, he is excellent.


I have suffered from chronic eye pain for a number of years.   Dr Jenner was recommended by a neurologist after I was treated for migraines without success.  Dr Jenner immediately investigated a different path by injecting a mixture of steroids and anaesthetic into my neck.  Unfortunately, this was not successful.  Undaunted, Dr Jenner put me on a course of medicines that, in conjunction with physiotherapy, have me on a long road to recovery.  


Dr Jenner is attentive, energetic and caring.  He listens carefully to me while I summarise the symptoms I have had between visits and willingly adapts my medication accordingly.  As a consequence, we have reduced the medication I take while I still continue to make progress.


The London Pain Clinic is well organised and easy to get to by public transport


Unrivalled first class care experience through Dr Jenner’s office, from the first appointment, a thorough assessment and diagnostic effort of the current pain status and affect areas, to the post-procedure follow up, the experience has been more than could be expected.