Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD)


Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) encompass a range of conditions that cause pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement.


• Pain or tenderness in the jaw joint area, neck, and shoulders.
• Aching pain around the ear.
• Difficulty or discomfort while chewing.
• Locking of the joint, making it difficult to open or close the mouth.
• Clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth.

Pain Management Treatments

1) Medications

• Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs): These can help reduce pain and inflammation.

• Muscle Relaxants: These can help alleviate muscle tension and reduce pain.

2)Minimally Invasive Pain Management Procedures

• Intra-articular Injections: Steroid injections directly into the TMJ can help reduce inflammation and provide significant pain relief.

• Botulinum Toxin Injections: Botox injections into the jaw muscles can help reduce muscle tension and alleviate pain associated with TMD. This is particularly useful for patients who suffer from bruxism.

• Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy: PRP injections use the patient’s own blood components to promote healing and reduce inflammation in the TMJ.

• Physical Therapy: Tailored exercises and manual therapy techniques can help improve jaw function and reduce pain.

Temporomandibular joint disorders can cause chronic pain and limited jaw function. Effective management often requires a combination of medications, physical therapy, and minimally invasive procedures. Dr Mubarak specialises in the treatment of facial pain conditions including TMD.