What Are Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections?

As a Pain Doctor will tell you: PRP is the result of a step-by-step therapeutic procedure, in which a Pain Specialist extracts platelets from a patient’s blood, and directly places them in a specific region in the latter’s body, in order to rev up healing. Platelet-Rich Plasma has been shown help heal muscles, tendons and ligaments. Moreover, if you are suffering from an injury, PRP has the power to ameliorate your body’s recovery time, be it a long-term case of tendinopathy (a tendon condition that generates swelling and pain), other type of musculoskeletal pain, or inflammation post-surgery. [1]. Indeed: “early studies indicate that PRP injections may help treat osteoarthritis pain and stiffness by modulating the joint environment and reducing inflammation” [2]. With platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, which is a simple quick procedure, it’s all possible!

Did You Know?

“Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an injection derived from the patient’s own blood and processed to increase platelet concentration. Platelets contain proteins that promote tissue repair. By increasing platelet concentration and injecting them at the site of injury, PRP aims to improve the capacity for healing and recovery” [1]

So What Are Platelets?

In a nutshell, platelets can be described as tiny, disc-shaped pieces of cells which circulate in our bloodstream, and bind together on detecting damaged blood vessels. They stop or slow down bleeding by forming blood clots, and thus accelerate wound healing.

The Low-Down on PRP Injection Treatment

Our blood comprises:
• Red cells
• White cells, and
• Platelets

As previously mentioned, platelets are key to forming blood clots. Furthermore, our blood is loaded with plasma – which constitutes more than 50% of our blood composition. The plasma’s main function is to transport water, enzymes, salt, nutrients, hormones, and proteins, to the parts of the body that need them [1].

A PRP Injection Procedure Explained in Four Easy Steps

Your Pain Doctor will conduct a short injectable procedure to administer the platelet-rich plasma in the required location/s. The contents of the injections necessitate the following steps:
• Number 1 Extraction: In the first instance, your Pain Specialist will draw out a small quantity of blood from a vein in your arm. (In most cases, 15 to 50 mL, or less than 2 ounces of blood is required)
• Number 2 Centrifuging: Once the blood has been extracted, the Pain Doctor will place it in a centrifuge (which spins at a high speed), thus separating your platelets from your other blood cells
• Number 3 Processing: At this stage the Pain Specialist processes your blood to order to to collect your platelets and combine them with an anticoagulant (to stop the blood from clotting)
• Number 4 Injection: The resulting PRP plasma is then rapidly injected into the area/s which surround your injured tissue [1]

The Research on Protecting Cartilage and Tendons

“By increasing platelet concentration and injecting them at the site of injury, PRP aims to improve the capacity for healing and recovery Thus far, studies demonstrate that PRP can protect cartilage and tendons from additional degradation typically associated with normal wear and tear on the body” [1]. Moreover, studies indicate that Plasma-Rich Protein can be powerful in the reparation of tendon injuries (including Achilles tendonitis, and tennis elbow), as well as muscle and ligament injuries [1].

Taking Advantage of Cutting-Edge Simple Procedures

If you would like to find out if you are a suitable candidate for PRP, then you can do so with either an online or in-person consultation with a Pain Doctor.


[1]. Gregory, E. (2024). “Platelet Rich Plasma: Everything You Need To Know.” V

[2]. John Hopkins Medicine (2024). “Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections.”