Educational lectures, seminars and workshops available to medical and non-medical organisations





Dr. Chris Jenner, Director of London Pain Clinic has a number of educational packages available for medical and non-medical groups about pain and pain management.

Educational packages for Medical Personnel

Dr Jenner has been involved in the teaching of pain management to a number of medical personnel including: general Practitioners (GPs); Hospital Doctors (including Consultants and Training grades); Medical Students; Nurses and Physiotherapists.

Dr Jenner is able to offer a number of different educational packages for pain training including:


Powerpoint based lectures on


  • General pain management
  • Acute pain management
  • Chronic pain management
  • Neuropathic pain management



Other subjects can also be covered, for instance Dr Jenner lectured on Whiplash Injuries at the Annual Conference at AMLED (Association of Medico-Legal Doctors) at BMA (British Medical Association) House in December 2006.

Question and Answer Sessions

Seminar-like session directed by audience questions.

Patient Case Reviews

An opportunity for clinicians to bring difficult and unusual cases for presentation and discussion in a seminar-style approach.

Very popular with General Practitioners with difficult to treat pain patients.

Educational Packages for non-medical groups

These can be arranged for non-medical groups with a special interest in pain and pain management.

For example solicitors, healthcare industry and patient support groups.

Availability and booking through Essentially Medical

Educational packages can be booked via Geraldine (Practice Manager, London Pain Clinic) and Essentially Medical.