MRI (Magnetic Resonance Image) Scanning

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Image) Scanning

What is MRI?

MRI scanning is a medical investigation which uses a combination of strong magnets and radiofrequency waves to produce detailed 3 dimensional images of the body. MRI scans represent the most sophisticated non-invasive diagnostic tool available to help doctors understand the underlying cause of your particular health problem.

What conditions can be diagnosed by MRI?

MRI scans of the relevant sectors of the body are performed. These images are then carefully studied by expert radiologists for accurate diagnosis. The MRI scan can be used to diagnose a wide variety of problems, including:


  • Spine conditions
  • Musculoskeletal problems
  • Sports injuries
  • Prostate problems
  • Female pelvic problems
  • Ailments of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Certain ear, nose and throat (ENT) conditions
  • Soft tissue and bone tumours
  • Most ailments of the brain, including tumours and dementias
  • Vascular abnormalities of the kidneys



Can anyone have an MRI scan?

Due to the powerful magnetic force involved in producing an MRI scan, certain individuals may be contraindicated. These include the following:


  • A cardiac (heart) pacemaker
  • Certain clips in the brain from brain operations, i.e. aneurysm clips
  • A cochlear (ear) implant
  • A metallic foreign body in your eye
  • A programmable shunt for hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain)
  • Unless it is an emergency, you should not have an MRI scan if you are pregnant or have had surgery within the last 3 months.