Trochanteric Bursitis treated conservatively.




A 28 year old lady presented to the Pain Clinic with a painful swelling on the right hip. On examination, this was a tense, firm swelling approximated over the right greater trochanter. This gave her localised pain but was also caused pain referred to the knee and ankle, as her gait had altered due to the initial hip pain.

An ultrasound scan was performed which revealed an inflammed trochanteric bursa (trochanteric bursitis) and on further questioning, it was found that she had been doing a number of leg exercises in the gymnasium which had originally led to the problem.

The lady was given a short course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which improved the problem and, after 2 weeks of this treatment and a change in gymnasium regime, the trochanteric bursitis completely resolved and she was discharged from the Pain Clinic.




Hip pain information and case reports